Indonesia Export Regulations

General Export Regulations

In this section you can find a set of regulations on exports in general. As we know, when we do trade we must follow several principles agreed upon by the global community. Also, each country sets its own set of regulations that are expected to maximize trade benefits.

  • Declaration Of Origin (DAB)

    Declaration of Origin (DAB) or (Origin Declaration) is a statement of origin of goods made by a Registered Exporter (ER) or Certified Exporter (ES) for exported goods in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, applicable international agreements or agreements, to obtain preferential rates.

    Declaration of Origin (DAB) is a document proving that the goods to be exported have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesia and have the same legal force as the Certificate of Origin (SKA), so that they can be used as a substitute for SKA to obtain preferential tariffs in the export destination country.
    br> Requirements for a Declaration of Origin (DAB) To be able to use the Declaration of Origin (DAB), exporters must first be registered as Registered Exporters (ER) and / or Certified Exporters (ES) through the e-SKA system, in other words, DAB can only be made by Exporters who have been registered as ER and / or ES and has been given the authority by the Ministry of Trade to issue a DAB (Origin Declaration) for export goods from Indonesia.

    Declaration of Origin of Goods for Registered Exporters (ER) DAB for ER, is used as a document accompanying goods for export to member countries of the European Union (EU), which proves that the goods to be exported have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesia . The DAB is used as a substitute for the Certificate of Origin (SKA) Form A.

    Declaration of Origin of Goods for Registered Exporters (ES) DAB for the ES, used as supporting documents for exports to member countries of ASEAN, which proves that the goods to be exported have met the Rules of Origin Indonesia (Rules of Origin of Indonesia) in the Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (Agreement on Trade in Goods of ASEAN ). The DAB is used as a substitute for the Certificate of Origin (SKA) Form D (ATIGA), and also as a substitute for electronic Form D.

    Regulations Regarding Declaration of Origin (DAB) Minister Decree No. 111 of 2018 regulates the Terms and Procedure for Declaration of Origin of Goods ( Origin Declaration ) for Indonesian Exported Goods

    Declaration of Origin for ER (GSP-EU)

    Declaration of Origin for ES

  • Certificate Of Origin

    Definition of Certificate of Origin
    Certificate of Origin - SKA (Certificate of Origin), hereinafter referred to as SKA (COO), is a document proving that Indonesian exported goods have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesia.

    Definition of e-SKA
    Certificate of Origin - Electronic SKA, hereinafter abbreviated as e-SKA, is data from SKA which is submitted electronically to the export destination country in accordance with international agreements or agreements. SKA electronic system, hereinafter referred to as e-SKA, is a system for submitting and issuing SKA (COO) electronically. The foreign trade agreement between Indonesia and other countries forms the basis for the preparation of the SKA.

    The agreement or agreement can be in the form of a bilateral, regional, multilateral, unilateral agreement or agreement or because of the unilateral provisions of an importing country / export destination country which requires this SKA (COO) to be included in Indonesian export goods.

    SKA or COO proves that the goods originate, are produced (use raw materials from Indonesia) and or are processed in Indonesia. Indonesian originating goods are goods originating from Indonesia that have fulfilled the Rules of Origin of Indonesia.

    Preference SKA
    Is a type of SKA (COO) as a requirement to obtain preferences or facilities in the form of exemption of all or part of the import duty given by a country / group of export destination countries

    Non Preference SKA
    Is a type of SKA document (COO) which functions as a supervisory document and / or a document accompanying the origin of export goods which states that the exported goods originate from Indonesia in order to enter a certain country territory.

  • Registered Exporters

    - Registered Exporters (ER) are exporters that are registered and authorized by the Ministry of Trade to issue an Origin Declaration for export goods from Indonesia. - Declaration of Origin of Goods (DAB) is a statement of origin of goods made by a Registered Exporter for exported goods in accordance with applicable provisions aimed at obtaining preferential rates in the export destination country.

    Application for determination as a Registered Exporter or ER can only be made by an Exporter who has obtained the e-SKA Access Right (. Http:// ).
    To get a determination as ER, an Exporter must submit an application electronically via e-SKA to IPSKA in accordance with the place where the Access Right registration is filed.

    Supporting Data and / or Documents
    The application for determination as a Registered Exporter must be accompanied by scanned / scanned original documents:
    - Business Identification Number (NIB);
    - Business License issued by the competent agency;
    - Calculation of the cost structure of the production process for each type of export goods to be registered, in terms of fulfilling the Origin Criteria, use the added value method in the form of: Regional Value Content (RVC) or Qualifying Value Content (QVC), and / or changes to tariff posts: Change in Tariff Classification (CTC) or other documents proving that the goods to be registered have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesian Origin;
    - A statement letter that is willing to be examined in relation to the fulfillment of the criteria for the Ministry of Trade;
    - Evidence of passing the Rules of Origin of Indonesia test and the procedure for issuing SKAs issued by the Ministry of Trade.

    Flow of Assignment As ER
    The form of determination as a Registered Exporter must be printed, signed by the Exporter or the person in charge of the company, and affixed with the company's wet stamp and submitted directly by the Exporter to IPSKA. The determination as ER applies as long as the ER carries out its business activities.

    - The exporter as the owner of the e-SKA access right submits an application to IPSKA through the e-SKA system, completes the data entry and uploads the scanned data of the company supporting data. - IPSKA verifies the completeness of the application and supporting documents through the e-SKA system. - If the verification results are valid and complete, IPSKA gives approval, then the data will be sent to the Ministry of Trade.
    - Furthermore, the Ministry of Trade registers exporters, carries out verification and validation
    - The exporter prints the approved registration form, then comes to IPSKA to ask for an IPSKA signature and stamp
    - The IPSKA officer will upload the stamped and signed form on the e-SKA system
    - Exporters can make a Declaration of Origin (DAB).

    Registered Exporter (ER) Obligations
    - Fully responsible for the DAB issued and responsible for the use of ER numbers
    - Keep all DAB and Customs documents related to the production of exported goods.
    - Maintain commercial accounting records for exported goods.
    - Receive verification of proof of origin of goods.
    - Ready to submit all documents proving the status of origin of goods at the request of the Competent Authority (CA).
    - Notify the Component Authority if there are changes to the registration data.

  • The Enactment Of E-SKA Form E

    The application of e-SKA Form E electronically has come into effect on October 15, 2020, this means that the e-SKA Form E issued by the SKA Issuing Agency (IPSKA) will automatically be sent to the export destination country of China / China through electronic data exchange between ASEAN and China.

    The enactment of the e-SKA Form E makes the SKA Form E applications submitted by exporters which have been printed manually using the standard Form E, then automatically the SKA Form E will automatically be sent as e-Form E to China.

    Flow of SKA e-Form E
    The flow of the new Form E Certificate of Origin can be seen in the chart below:

    Two Alternative Choices of SKA Form E
    With the enactment of the e-SKA Form E, it provides an alternative choice for exporters to choose the use of Form E Certificate of Origin, namely:
    - Hard Copy SKA Form E . Exporters who still need SKA Form E documents in hard copy can print SKA Form E as usual on form E, which is already available in IPSKA.
    - Electronic SKA Form E (e-SKA Form E ). For exporters who do not need the SKA Form E document in hard copy, the e-SKA Form E issued by IPSKA can be used as a document for claiming preferential tariffs in China.
    There are no changes in the Procedures for Application for SKA Form E that have been carried out by exporters, which are still in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2018 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin and several changes to the Minister of Trade Regulation.

    Likewise, the Goods Origin Criteria used are still using the same Goods Origin Criteria that are currently in effect. It is hoped that the enactment of the e-SKA Form E will make it easier and faster for exporters to complete their export documents and be more efficient. Exporters can only submit a Form E SKA Issuance Application using the e-SKA application through the portal

  • ASEAN Wide Self-Certification (AWSC)

    The enforcement of MOT 71/2020
    MOT 71/2020 contains the Rules of Origin of Indonesia and the Issuance of Documents of Origin for Indonesian Goods in the Asean Trade In Goods Agreement.
    The Minister of Trade Regulation came into effect on September 20, 2020, the provisions regarding the types, forms and procedures for filling out the SKA Preference ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Certificate of Origin "Form D") in the previous Minister of Trade Regulation, namely Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 24 of 2018 which has experienced changes several times, is revoked and declared no longer valid.

    The enforcement of MOT 71/2020
    Information on the origin of exported goods from Indonesia to other ASEAN member countries can be in the form of:

    - Preference SKA, namely Certificate of Origin printed using Form D where the format and procedure for filling Form D has been determined.
    - Electronic SKA, namely SKA without being printed on Form D
    - Declaration of Origin (DAB), where DAB can be submitted by exporters who have received recognition as Certified Exporters (ET).

    Of the three types of information on the origin of the goods above, it cannot be used simultaneously, choose one, you can use only Preference SKA or use only Electronic SKA or you can also use DAB only.

    Here is the link to download Permendag Number 71 of 2020:

    ASEAN Self-Certification (AWSC)
    ASEAN Independent Certification (AWSC) or also known as ASEAN Wide Self-Certification (AWSC) is trade facilitation for exporters who already have competency requirements and have also met the Rules of Origin in the ASEAN Trade In Good Agreement (ATIGA), which is then determined as an exporter. Certified (ES) to make their own Declaration of Origin (DAB) required in the ATIGA and DAB tariff preference claim can be used as a substitute for SKA Preference Form D (hard copy) and / or SKA Form D electronically.

    ASEAN Independent Certification (AWSC) has been agreed upon by all ASEAN member countries to be implemented on September 20, 2020. By registering the company as a Certified Exporter (ET), this gives exporters in Indonesia more options to use the Declaration of Origin (DAB) as a substitute. SKA Form D, which DAB provides a lot of convenience and efficiency to get preference for export destinations to other ASEAN member countries.

    Benefits of ASEAN Self-Certification (AWSC)
    - Exporters can make a Declaration of Goods (DAB).
    - The Declaration of Asala Barang (DAB) does not require approval from IPSKA, so even during holidays you can make a DAB.
    - The Declaration of Origin of Goods (DAB) simplifies export documents, because it is sufficient to print on a commercial papper (can be printed on an Invoice / Packing List and does not require special forms such as Form D.
    - The use of the Declaration of Origin (DAB) will reduce the workload and efficiency when compared to having to use a hard copy of SKA Form D.
    - The time needed to do the DAB is shorter than having to make SKA form D.

  • Certificate Of Origin Form ICO - International Coffee Organization

    Certificate of Origin Form ICO - International Coffee Organization is a document accompanying the export of coffee for all export destination countries, which states that coffee products originate from a certain country. Companies that will export products in the form of coffee and in a certain amount are required to use a Certificate of Origin (SKA / COO) ICO Form. Before applying for SKA Form ICO, of course the exporter is already registered as ETK - Registered Exporter for Coffee

    Tutorial on filling out the e-SKA
    Information on the origin of exported goods from Indonesia to other ASEAN member countries can be in the form of:
    - Preference SKA, namely Certificate of Origin printed using Form D where the format and procedure for filling Form D has been determined.
    - Electronic SKA, namely SKA without being printed on Form D
    - Declaration of Origin (DAB), where DAB can be submitted by exporters who have received recognition as Certified Exporters (ET).

    Of the three types of information on the origin of the goods above, it cannot be used simultaneously, choose one, you can use only Preference SKA or use only Electronic SKA or you can also use DAB only.

    Fill in the appropriate fields

    - Filled with Name, Complete Address and Country of Exporters ETK: Filled with the number of the acknowledgment letter as a Registered Coffee Exporter (ETK) No. ICO: Filled with the exporter code number comprising 4 digits listed in the acknowledgment as ETK
    - Fill in the name, address and country of the buyer
    - Internal Code Number
    - "Country Code" section is filled with the name of the exporting country and the code number is 3 digits in the box in the lower right corner. Section "Port Code" is filled with the port code number comprising 2 digits.
    - Name of the country where the coffee is produced and the code number is 3 digits in the lower right corner box (already printed)
    - The name of the country of export destination and the code comprising 3 digits in the box in the lower right corner (already printed)
    - Filled with the date of shipment in the format DD / MM / YY, according to the date stated on the Bill of Lading when loading the ship.
    - If shipment is made by trans-shipment, then input the name of the country where trans-shipment is made and the code number comprising 3 digits. If the shipment is carried out directly, it is filled with the sentence "DIRECT".
    - Filled with name of the ship carrying, if not transported by ship, state the type of transportation.
    - All sacks covered in an SKA must be marked with a special mark according to the applicable provisions "ICO Identification Mark".
    - Filled with an “X” in the box that matches the shape of the exported coffee packaging
    - Fill in the net weight shipped
    - Filled with an "X" in the box that corresponds to the weight unit used
    - Filled with an “X” on the box that corresponds to the unit of form and type of coffee exported. If the export is more than one type of coffee, a separate SKA is made
    - Filled with an "X" on the box that corresponds to the coffee processing method to be exported.
    - Date, place, and signature of the authorized IPSKA official
    - Other additional information

  • Registered And Certified Exporters

    Application for determination as a Certified Exporter / ES can only be made by an Exporter who meets the following criteria:

    Criteria as a Certified Exporter
    - Has received a designation as ER;
    - Is a producer;
    - Has a good reputation for compliance with laws and regulations related to Export in the last 2 (two) years;
    - have a good system for recording and managing company financial data;
    - Never committed a criminal offense in the trade sector.

    To obtain a designation as a Certified Exporter, an Exporter must submit an application electronically through e-SKA ( ) to the Director by including the Post / Harmonized System in 6 (six) digits along with a description of the goods.

    Requirements for application as an ES
    Application for determination as ES must be accompanied by scanned / scanned original documents:
    - Name of signer and sample of signature of at most 3 (three) persons authorized to sign DAB;
    - Calculation of the cost structure of the production process for each type of exported goods to be certified, in terms of fulfilling the Origin Criteria, use the added value method in the form of: Regional Value Content (RVC) or Qualifying Value Content (QVC), and / or change in tariff post: Change in Tariff Classification (CTC), or other documents proving that the goods to be certified have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesia.

    Declaration of Origin of Goods
    After the Exporters are determined as Certified Exporters, then the Exporters can submit a Declaration of Origin (DAB) for Exports to ASEAN Member Countries . DAB is made through the e-SKA system, it must be printed on commercial documents of exported goods, including the authentic code obtained from the e-SKA system.

    Certified Exporter (ES) Obligations
    - Fully responsible for the DAB issued and responsible for the use of the ES number
    - Keep all DAB and Customs documents related to the production of exported goods.
    - Maintain commercial accounting records for exported goods
    - Responding to the verification of proof of origin of goods from the Customs Authority of the export destination country.
    - Ready to submit all documents proving the status of origin of goods at the request of the Competent Authority (CA).
    - Notifies Component Authority if there are changes regarding ES data

  • Regulations Related To Certificate Of Origin - SKA

    The following are the Regulations related to the Certificate of Origin (SKA). The regulations related to the SKA are in the form of the Regulation of the Minister of Trade and the Decree of the Minister of Trade which is the reference and legal umbrella in the process of issuing Certificate of Origin (SKA) of goods from Indonesia.
    These regulations can also be seen at:

    Regulation on the Issuance of SKA
    - Minister of Trade Regulation No. 71 2020 On the Rules of Origin Indonesia (Rules Of Origin Of Indonesia) And Conditions Document Issuance of Certificate of Origin UntukBarang Origin Indonesia In the Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (Agreement on Trade in Goods Asean)
    - MOT 63/2020 concerning Rules of Origin and the Issuance of SKA for Indonesian-Originated Goods in the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Approval of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership)
    - Minister of Trade Regulation No. 62/2020 concerning the Rules of Origin and the Issuance of SKA for Indonesian Goods in ASEAN-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement (ASEAN-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement, People's Republic of China)
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 2020 concerning the Third Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 24 of 2018 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 59 of 2019 concerning Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 24 of 2018 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 24 of 2018 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2018 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 111 of 2018 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Making an Origin Declaration for Exported Goods from Indonesia
    - Decree of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 465 of 2020 concerning the Determination of the Agency for Issuance of Certificate of Origin
    - Decree of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 466 of 2020 concerning Determination of Officials Issuance of Certificate of Origin.
    - KMK Number 146 concerning Export and Import Units
    Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 77 of 2014 concerning the Rules of Origin of Indonesia
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 77 / M-Dag / Per / 10/2014 concerning the Rules of Origin of Indonesia
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 2018 concerning State Payment Procedures for the Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin electronically
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 2018 concerning State Payment Procedures for the Issuance of Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin electronically

    Other Regulations Related to the Issuance of SKA
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2012 concerning General Provisions in the Export Sector
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2012 concerning Export Prohibited Goods
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2017 concerning Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 84 of 2016 concerning Provisions for Export of Forestry Industrial Products
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2017 concerning Amendments to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 84 of 2016 concerning Provisions for Export of Forestry Industrial Products
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 84 of 2016 concerning Provisions for Export of Forestry Industrial Products
    - Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 77 of 2018 concerning Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Services in the Trade Sector

Requirements for
all Indonesian Exporters

Before an Indonesian company can export its products, it must make sure it meets all Indonesian export requirements. The main steps for Indonesian companies to take have been listed here, but Indonesian exporters should also learn from other sources, including from the Trade Ministry website for a complete understanding of all export requirements.

It should be
a legal entity

It must have a NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number, TIN)

It must have a license issued by the government

Types Of Indonesian Exporters

An Indonesian company can be classified either as a manufacturer exporter or as a non-manufacturer exporter. Each has different requirements. In this section you can find a set of regulations on exports in general. As we know, when we do trade we must follow several principles agreed upon by the global community. Also, each country sets its own set of regulations that are expected to maximize trade benefits.

  • Business Permit

    Business permits that must be owned by Business Actors and / or MSMEs are:
    - Business Permits, currently Business Permits can be processed online through the portal or they can also be in the form of Trading Business Permits (SIUP). For SIUP, you can ask directly to the nearest Licensing Service where the business actor is located
    - Business Identification Number (NIB), also managed online through the portal
    - Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), is managed at the nearest Tax Office where the Business Actor is located.
    - Other business permits for the category of goods with export restrictions. These other business permits can be arranged online through the portal:

  • Types Of Goods To Be Exported

    Understand the types of goods to be exported. The grouping of export goods can be divided into 3 (three) groups, this is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 13 / M-DAG / PER / 3/2012 concerning "General Provisions in the Export Sector":
    - Export-free goods can be analogized as goods that are general in nature and have a lot of stock so that if they are exported it will not threaten the availability of these goods in the country and also will not affect national food security, for example apparel, various kinds of handicrafts, several types of plantation products etc.
    - For goods with export restrictions, to be able to export goods in this category, a special permit is required, for example, such as an Export Approval report, a surveyor report, a registered exporter, this depends on the type of goods to be exported.
    - Export Prohibited Goods are goods that are not allowed to be exported. To find out the types of goods that are prohibited from exporting, see the following link:

  • Export Documents

    For every shipment, export documents that need to be prepared are:
    - Invocation and Packing List (prepared by Business Actors and / or MSMEs).
    - Notification of Export of Goods (PEB), the application can be obtained at the Customs and Excise office closest to Business Actors / MSMEs.
    - Other export permits, especially for the category of goods that are export-restricted, for example, is an Export Approval Letter (SPE) for the export of coffee products. For free export goods, no special documents are needed, such as the group of goods with limited exports
    - Bill of Lading (BL), if shipping by sea, this document is prepared by the Shipping Company, usually the Cargo Company that will take care of the BL.
    - Airway Bill (AWB), if shipping by air, this document can also be prepared by the Cargo Company.

  • Facilitation / Ease Of Export From The Government

    The Indonesian government provides several export facilities that can be enjoyed by exporters. Take advantage of this facilitation to obtain information regarding export requirements to export destination countries, regarding export potential, security of transactions with overseas buyers, reduction or exemption of import duty rates in export destination countries and other information which will certainly be very useful for the development of exports of business actors / UMKM. Some of the export facilities provided by the government include:
    - Certificate of Origin (SKA) or also known as Certificate Of Origin (COO). The function of this SKA is to obtain a reduction or exemption from import duties in the export destination country. By attaching SKA documents to each export, the buyer will get a reduction or exemption from import duty on goods in his country. SKA also functions as a statement of validity that the exported goods are manufactured or produced in Indonesia. Link for SKA:
    INATRADE system . Is an online application for processing export permits for certain products. Link for INATRADE:
    - INSW system . Is a system and application to find out about the criteria for export goods, tracking export documents, lartas, and many other information related to export requirements. Link for INSW:
    Trade Attache and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC). The Trade Attache and ITPC are Indonesia's trade representatives who facilitate between exporters and buyers in export destination countries. Business Actors and MSMEs can consult about the potential for export products to various countries, get information about the credibility of buyers, facilitate between exporters and buyers abroad if there are obstacles regarding exports, and many other things can be consulted with the Trade Attaché and the ITPC.
    Export Financing. The government has also designated Indonesia Eximbank as an official institution to facilitate export financing. Indonesia Eximbank will assist exporters in order to encourage the export program of businesses and SMEs. Link for Indonesia Eximbank:
    - FTA Center, Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Center conducts education / outreach activities, consultations, and advocates for the use of the results of international trade negotiations for business actors. This service is free of charge.

What Is INSW?

The National Single Window Agency (LNSW) is an entity under the Finance Ministry established to deal with a one-stop management of documents related to customs, quarantine, licensing, seaports/airport and other documents related to export and/or imports electronically. Implementation of this national single window system is materialized with the operation of Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) portal that can be accessed by the public, businessplayers and all people that need services related to exports and/or imports.

Learn More

What Is Ipexplorer.Biz? is a website that will help you check what intellectual property (IP) you own and get help to make the most of it. only focuses on Indonesian IP. IP needs to be protected or registered in other countries before you trade abroad. Before you go on, you have to identify your business, such as the business sector, your role in the company and how many years does your business do trading. You need also to identify which of your patent, trademark, design or copyright has been registered at the IP office.

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